SPAR3D: Stable Point-Aware Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Single Images

1Stability AI, 2UIUC

SPAR3D is a fast single-image 3D reconstructor with intermediate point cloud generation, which allows for interactive user edits and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


We study the problem of single-image 3D object reconstruction. Recent works have diverged into two directions: regression-based modeling and generative modeling. Regression methods efficiently infer visible surfaces, but struggle with occluded regions. Generative methods handle uncertain regions better by modeling distributions, but are computationally expensive and the generation is often misaligned with visible surfaces. In this paper, we present SPAR3D, a novel two-stage approach aiming to take the best of both directions. The first stage of SPAR3D generates sparse 3D point clouds using a lightweight point diffusion model, which has a fast sampling speed. The second stage uses both the sampled point cloud and the input image to create highly detailed meshes. Our two-stage design enables a probabilistic modeling of the ill-posed single-image 3D task, while maintaining high computational efficiency and great output fidelity. Using point clouds as an intermediate representation further allows for interactive user edits. Evaluated on diverse datasets, SPAR3D demonstrates superior performance over previous state-of-the-art methods, at an inference speed of 0.7 seconds.

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  author    = {Huang, Zixuan and Boss, Mark and Vasishta, Aaryaman and Rehg, James M and Jampani, Varun},
  title     = {SPAR3D: Stable Point-Aware Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Single Images},
  booktitle = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.04689},
  year      = {2025},